General Contractor & Licensed Roofer

B & C 39 License #952120

beautiful custom designed kitchen


beautifully finished bathrooms


finished bedroom full view


beautiful wardrobe mirror closet doors and bedroom showing Mini Split HVAC AND vinyl window


new custom designed kitchen and marble showers


work on the front unit kitchen and bathroom


front unit bathroom showers


the front unit entrance and view of work on the kitchen, living room and bathroom


rolling a coat of paint the inside walls

Painting inside walls on front room remodel
Painter using a paint roller to coat the walls on front room remodel
108_on front-room-remodel.JPG

textured drywall ready for paint on front room remodel

100_textured drywall-ready-for-paint-on-front-room-remodel.JPG
102_professional painter-applying-paint-on-iside-walls-on-front-room-remodel.JPG

bathroom shower work

0013c_sealting the-DenShield-panel-joints
0013b_shower and-pan-prep-walk-in-shower
0013d_beautiful marble-tile-waitng-for%20grout

ceiling and walls texture applied, ready for paint

0104_drywall with-and-mud-applied-to-ceiling-in-front-room-remodel
0105_ceiling texture-applied-in-the-front-room-remodel
0106_drywall ready-for-sanding-in-front-room-remodel

drywall and densheild work

a2mContractors showing work done to expose studs for a front room remodel
ADU showing behind the walls and exposing the electrical layout for a front room remodel

stucco work for the replacement windows

a2mContractors showing work done to expose studs for a front room remodel
ADU showing behind the walls and exposing the electrical layout for a front room remodel
ADU showing behind the walls and exposing the electrical layout for a front room remodel

removed old wall and prep for new drywall

a2mContractors showing work done to expose studs for a front room remodel
ADU showing behind the walls and exposing the electrical layout for a front room remodel
ADU showing behind the walls and exposing the electrical layout for a front room remodel

stucco removed, paperback stucco netting and new vinyl window

stucco removed, wire paper and new viyl window installed for a front room remodel
Paperback Stucco Netting and new nail fin viyl window
old window remove and new viyl windows installed

stucco removed around window frame

second story wood deck extention
stucco removed around window frame for a front room remodel
vinyl windows with Moistop PF for water protection

prep for remodel

second story wood deck extention
add a second story wood deck
a2mContractors finsihing a two-story wood deck

Gutting a front unit remodel

second story wood deck extention
add a second story wood deck
a2mContractors finsihing a two-story wood deck
Home Advisor Elie Service -A2M Contractors
home advisor-a2m
Home Advisor - A2M Contractors